
This is actually the second time I am writing this post. I had just completed the first versions and my laptop decided to update so I lost the whole thing. Perfect!

 Hi!! I feel like I have been a bit out of touch with the blogging world over the past couple of weeks but I’m hoping to be back to doing regular posts for you all now. Blogging really is a wonderful way for me to relax and a great hobby I really enjoy but my job is so demanding that it does sometimes have to take a back seat because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do what I need to get done!

So what’s new with me? Well the biggest news is that I FINALLY FOUND A HOUSE! I am really happy that the end of my stay with my parent’s is in sight! As lovely and as comfortable as it has been living back at home, I am looking forward to having my independence back! I can’t wait to be able to have friends round and to have a space to call my own. I have been busy buying lots of little knick knacks to make the place feel homely and I’m excited to try my hand at decorating and see how I fair with a paint brush! I’m hoping that I’m secretly a budding interior designer who has an amazing eye for home design but I think that might be a little optimistic!

Five more things that are new in my life:

1. I’ve starting drinking Detox Water. It’s the latest craze with health freaks and I’ve welcomed the concept after looking seeing it all over my Pinterest feed. I’m going to do a full post on the supposed benefits and my favourite flavours etc.

2. I’m listening to dance music. I don’t know if it’s the sunny weather or just a general change in taste but David Guetta and Clean Bandit have now made an appearance in my iTunes Library and I am loving their latest albums!

3. I have a smile on my face. Like all the time. Again, I don’t know if it is the sun or down to something else but I am generally feeling much happier and confident. I’m beginning to fall in love with myself and am really beginning to take care of myself by having more fun and doing the things that make me happy.

4. I’ve updated my wardrobe. In preparation for summer I have been on a bit of a shopping spree and I now have some lovely new outfits for summer. I know that size is not important but it has been really nice to go into a shop and pick up a size 10 and know that it is very likely to fit me. I don’t really worry about whether something is floaty enough to cover my belly, or has sleeves to hide my arms and that is something I am really proud of. It wasn’t that long ago that I was picking up a size 16 and wondering if I would fit into it. I still have a way to go in terms of shaping up and toning my stomach etc but I am honestly so happy that I began to take my weight and health more seriously and as a result, feel much better about my appearance.

5. I’m more into using social media. I have always had Instgram and Facebook etc but I didn’t really update them very often. Now I have become a bit of a Snapchat queen and use it all the time. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not. I’m taking it that I am out there doing more and having fun with friends and family and want to share my experiences and so I have become a more active on these sites.

There you go! I don’t think I have any more to share with you all for now. My love life is still pretty sensible and boring and I don;t having anything spectacular to share with you on that front but I will keep you updated as always in my series, Diary of a Single Girl.

All that’s left to say is ciao for now!!

L x

The Real Neat Blog Award.

blog-awardSo the lovely lady over at quarterlifequandries has nominated me for the Real Neat Blog award! I’m super excited that she thought of me and my blog because I’m still fairly new to this. Her blog is hilarious and heart-warming and sure worth checking out! She is navigated the dating world just like I am, but seems to be doing a much better job of ‘getting out there’ than I am! I’m going to make sure I stay up to date with her and try and get some tips!

 The Rules:

1) Put the award logo on your blog.

2) Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3) Thank the person who nominated you, linking to their blog.

4) Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5) Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

So here are my answers to the questions put to me!

What in the world could you live without – Ice Cream or Netflix? Why? (I just can’t imagine life without either…) I could actually live without both of them! I do watch Netflix and I do eat ice-cream, but I’m not obsessed with either so I’d carry on pretty much as normal without either of these in my life!

If you could take one trip back to give your younger self a vital piece of advice what age would you travel back to and what would you say? Don’t be in a hurry to grow up. Being in love isn’t what makes you who you are. Don’t give up your friends and your life for a relationship. You will regret it later. Nothing lasts forever. You can survive without him. You are stronger than you realise and can face and survive anything life throws at you.

If you could pack a bag right now and go anywhere in the world where would you go? (I’m writing this on a beach hence the inspiration for this) I’m not actually much of a traveller. I would love to see some other parts of the world but travelling hasn’t really been a part of my life yet. I think I would most like to go to Italy, to see Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence and the south. So I guess there would be a good place to start!

What everyday thing are you actually terrible at that you should be able to do? (For example I can’t swim, or ride a bike, or drive or really do anything useful!) I’m not much of a driver- I hate it and find it stressful! I’m okay at cooking I could be much better. I think I am probably most rubbish at mental maths- which is terrible to admit being a teacher! But yeah, maths in my head has never been a strong point for me!

What are you most scared of? (E.T! No? Just me?) I’m a big wimp! I’m scared of everything!! Ghosts, (I’ve never even seen one!). spiders, horror films, flying, getting stuck in a lift – you name it, it scared me!!! I’m probably most scared of flying though.

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and what would you eat? I have never really thought about this one. I guess I would say my Nana. She passed away just over a year ago and it would be really nice to see her again and talk to her. I think we would probably eat bacon sandwiches because she always used to make them for me when I was younger.

If you could be an animal what would you be and why? A cat – they sleep all day in the sun! What a good life they have!

So now I need to nominate some people!!!





And my 7 questions for you guys…

1. If you could give me one tip to help me on my way to being successful in the dating world, what would it be?

2. What is your favourite song at the moment?

3. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

4. What is your preferred form of exercise and why?

5. Can you find a photo which best describes your personality?

6. What product can you simply not live without?

7. What 5 items would you take to a desert island?

And that’s that! I’m so happy to have been nominated – thank you or your support!

L x

Looking for Inspiration.

So, things are really looking up with my house move situation. I have found a place I like and my offer has been accepted. It will not be taken off the market until my mortgage is in place but I am hoping to have that sorted by the end of the week.

The property is basically an empty shell at the moment. It’s plain cream everywhere with a new bathroom and kitchen already installed. I’m really going to need to work hard to make it feel like home – but that’s a challenge I am really looking forward to! Now my second challenge is that I am also on a very limited budget. Being a first time buyer means I don’t have many savings to fall back on and there are lots of things I need to get done. I want the house to look amazing, and to be something I am proud of but I need to achieve this as cheaply as possible! I plan to keep you guys updated every step of the way and want to create a ‘home décor’ series so that I have a record of my progress over time.

My problem is at the moment that I don’t really know where to start! I have been looking on pinterest but have struggled to find anything that look achievable. I don’t know what colours I want and I don’t know what sort of things I need to purchase first! If anyone knows of some good blogs or places I can get some advice, I would be really grateful if you left a link in the comments!

In the meantime I’m going to continue to snoop around the internet and hope something jumps out at me!!

L x

I think I might have found ‘The One’.

And no I’m not talking meeting the man of my dreams. Sorry to disappoint!

I’ve been searching for my first home for quite a few months now and I have to admit that the whole process has been taking a lot longer than I anticipated. There is always something that puts me off a property: it’s too small, too high maintenance, too expensive or too old fashioned. There have been some that I have fallen head over heels in love with and some that I have hated the moment I set foot in them. But yesterday I found a property that is somewhere in the middle. It needs work but only decoration and it’s a blank canvas. It has 3 bedrooms which aren’t too big. It’s modern and has a new bathroom and kitchen so I don’t have to worry about that side of things. Basically, it’s a good compromise – it has everything I need for my first home and it’s has no personality yet, so it’s a good project for me to be working on.

I haven’t put an offer on the property yet, I’m having a think overnight to make sure it really is what I want – but I have a good feeling that I will be a home owner soon. To celebrate I’ve taken some of my favourite photographs from the pinterest board I have been making to share some of the ideas I have for my new house!

30 Designers secret tips: Wonderful Home Decoration http://engelta.hubpages.com/hub/30-Designers-secrets-Wonderful-Home-Decoration

. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS #Decorating_Your_Home #Top_Decorating_Styles #Home_Decorating_Ideas

So calm and cozy #home #interiors #Living room

An Organized Interior Design Office Space - A. Peltier Interiors Inc BH good for currently working on

colour scheme and armchair positioning, plus layout above fireplace ....Lovely living room - this colour would look great in our lounge

*All images are taken from pinterest and the various sites they provide links to.

Happy Mothers Day.

It wasn’t until this year that I fully understood how important mothers are. That’s not to say I didn’t love my mum, or appreciate everything she does for me, but I never really realised what a huge role she plays in my life. Until now.

You see, back in August I hit rock bottom. My life changed dramatically and I didn’t know how to cope with the roller-coaster of emotions I was feeling. The overwhelming grief I felt at the ending of my first serious relationship and it’s aftermath almost caused me to break down. But I didn’t. And that’s all because of my mum. She was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on and she knew when it was time to be firm. She put things into perspective and helped me to rebuild my life and remain positive. I honestly would not be as happy as I am today without her constant support, advice and perspective.

I can only hope that one day I will become a mum who is as amazing as she is.

My Current Gym Workout

This is a bit of a different post but I thought it might be nice to share with you what exercises I currently do at during a typical workout session. I only started going to the gym last summer and before that I was practically allergic to exercise! Nowadays, I go at least 4 times a week and I really enjoy a good session and have come to rely on that trip to the gym to help keep me feeling happy and in a good mood. After what I can only describe as a horrible and emotionally draining year, I con honestly say that regular workouts are what helped me heal and get over past events and without making time to continue to exercise, I probably wouldn’t remain so upbeat. Anyway! I know that those first trips to the gym can be quite daunting – it’s hard to know where to begin and you feel like you should be doing lots and lots but it’s really important to remember to only do what you can manage – you will be surprised how quickly those times and distances build up. I have been going for about 7 months now and here is my typical routine.


I am pretty useless at running- it hurts and I get out of breathe and I really have to keep myself focussed and motivated to keep going. I use a playlist which I know is 4 songs long and my aim is to not stop until I listen to all of them, which is 15 mins. Sometimes I achieve it, sometimes I have a 2 min walk in the middle. When I first started the gym I could jog for 2 mins and that was it so I tended to walk uphill instead. Now I have built it up and I can jog for 15 mins. What I have recently begun doing is going on the cross trainer for 15 mins first and then coming to the treadmill to continue jogging – I’m hoping the variety will help me increase my time!

I then aim to go on the rowing machine for 10 mins. I do find this machine pretty boring but I know it is really good for your back. arms and abs so I make sure I go on that at least twice a week.


Abs are the part of my body I currently want to work on most. I feel really confident with how I look at the moment – I feel a lot better now I have lost weight and I can see my body shape changing slightly now I work out regularly. But I really want to get my stomach a bit more toned and defined and here’s what I do to help with that process! (I don’t know the correct names for the exercises to I’m just going to make them up!)

20 crunches– straight up

10 crunches (each side)  – to the side. shoulder to knee

Leg pulses (30 secs) – lie down flat, legs out. raise them about 6 inches off the floor and move feet up and down slightly.

Leg bends (10 each leg) repeat twice! – lie down, legs up and bent at a 90 degree angle. Straighten leg so that it is 6 inches off the floor and bring back up to starting position. Keep toes pointing to ceiling.

20 Straight leg crunches – legs are straight and raised (feet towards the ceiling) lift shoulders and try to touch your toes.

Weight punches – grab 2 x 2kg weights and bend knees placing feet on the floor. Lean back and feel abs engage. Punch out each hand in turn holding the weights. I aim for 30 punches and then a 10 sec rest. Do this 3 times.

Side to sides – bend knees placing feet on the floor. Lean back and feel abs engage. Using one of the weights (or I use a medicine ball) lean over to the left and then the right. Keep swapping sides for the count of 30. Rest and repeat twice!

Plank – at the moment in manage 30 sec side plank (on each side). The I do the normal plank for 1 min.

Legs and Bum

My legs tend to get a bit of a workout when I do abs so I don’t tend to do too much with them. I basically use 3 different machines which work my thighs, calves and bum. I have upped the amount of reps and weight I do on each machine – that’s down to personal preference.

So there you have it! I hope this post has been useful. What I am using at the moment is a 30 day challenge app on my phone which gives me different exercises to do. Most of the exercises I actually learnt in an abs class I used to go to so it’s well worth going and doing a bit of research that way!

And on that note – I’m actually off to the gym now! Enjoy your day :)

L x

“Red nails are so sassy!”

The title of today’s post is a quote from my mother. I had my nails done on Friday and decided to go with the classic red this time round because it’s actually a colour I don’t wear that much. When I showed my mum my freshly manicured hands her response had me doubled up with a serious case of the giggles!! “Oooooh you’re being sassy are you? Red nails show sass. You might as well have a red light outside your bedroom door. Would help supplement that teacher’s salary of yours!”   I have no idea where this opinion came from – I have surely had my nails painted red before now and she has never likened them to the nails of a ‘working girl’ before! What made me laugh most was how old fashioned she sounded – you wouldn’t believe that my mum is still younger than 50 with the way she talks sometimes! Anyway, this exchange really tickled me so I thought I’d share it with you. So for the next 2 weeks I will be channelling ‘sass’ with my lovely new red manicure!

I have been feeling pretty lonely this past week and it is the first time I’ve really felt like that since becoming single. I think I just miss the attention from someone – knowing that I have somebody there to talk about my day with. I miss the sharing things, like cooking tea together, having someone to cuddle up with when I’m watching a film, someone to text on my lunch break. There are lots of things I love about being unattached and I try to focus on those but sometimes it’s hard not to wish I have a significant other. My friends say that I need to be in love with myself before I can be ready for a relationship and that I will only meet someone when I am not searching for them, which I agree with; to a certain extent. But if you are the  type of person who enjoys being in a relationship and likes being part of a couple, then this is hard advice to follow!

I’m getting closer to finally moving out and purchasing a house and I can’t wait for the freedom and independence that will bring. What worries me in the financial commitment and I have to say that the closer I come to being a home owner, the more nervous I become! I’m really excited and definitely ready for this next step in my life but the thought of 25 years being tied to a mortgage is a frightening one. I’m a little torn at the moment because I want to save money and start preparing for my future (whatever that ends up to be) and I know that now I’m going to own a house I need some money in the bank to help maintain that, but part of me wants to be able to do things like go on holidays while I am still young. I still have student debts that need paying off and I want to be in a more stable situation where I don’t have to worry about overdrafts and credit card repayments, but at the same time, I’m 24 and want to be able to have a holiday in the summer and go on nights out while I still can!

Do you have any tips for saving money? I would love your advice on how to find a healthy balance!

That’s basically all the updates I have for you at the moment. I’m currently working on my Tinder Dating post which is the next instalment in my series Diary of a Single Girl  and I have a Smashbox eye palette review coming for you soon! As always, I am enjoying reading your blogs -if there are any posts you think I might like, leave a link in the comments!!

Thanks :)

L x

Good Morning!

I know I know I know.

I’ve been pretty absent on here again. The truth is I’m finding it pretty difficult to juggle work and blogging because I find when I get home, I’m really tired and just want to crash. What I don’t want is for this blog to become a chore so for now, I ask that you bear with me and I plan to get organised soon and get some sort of schedule together so that posts appear on a more regular basis.

So some updates! I am currently off work with tonsillitis. This is my second lot in just over a month and this time I’ve been really poorly with it. I don’t tend to get ill often, but this year just seems to be one thing after another and this time it has been the proper- can’t-move-off-the-sofa sick and I’ve been feeling pretty sorry for myself! Today I have got the energy to at least sit up and type this so I’m taking that as a good sign that I am on the mend – hurray! If anyone has any tips on how to look after your throat, and how to prevent getting tonsillitis again I’d love to hear them!

If you have been keeping up with the Diary of a Single Girl series I am currently writing (the first one can be found here) you will know that I have dipped my toe into the world of dating and begun to explore what’s out there. I do have another post for you all in that area which I plan to get typed up today – regarding my antics on the Tinder app. So look out for that! I do also have a February favourites post for you all which I did actually draft early because I was so exited about a few things but with being ill I completely missed the time to post it and so today you’re gonna get a belated favourites – hope that’s okay!

I have been loving the stuff on your own blogs and you all continue to provide me with inspiration. I’ve not been keeping up to date for the past week or so, so I’m now going to grab some ice cream (the only thing I can actually eat at the moment!) and have a catch up!

As usual feel free to get in touch, leave comments, questions or advice below! Don’t be afraid to link me to your blog – I love discovering new reads!

Ciao for now, L x

15th February 2015

It’s Half Term!! Hundreds of teachers across the country will be crying “Hurray!” after what I consider to be the hardest half term of the year. No matter how long it actually is, the first half term back after Christmas always feels like a marathon.


Just quickly checking in to say hi! before I get to work on some lovely new posts for you all :) I’m planning to check off some of those articles I promised in my previous update (here) and then I’m going to get some more scheduled for next week so that I am nice and organised!

Hope you are all well :)

L x